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  • Writer's picturestudiosofasha


Since this is the first year of being here I don't know how the weather should be. And even as I write this I realize I would still be lost even if I had grown up here. Since I just had an old timer tell me we used to have snow all year up on hurricane ridge. And it didn't get snow until November this year. The Farmer's Almanac claims that our last frost date is March 18. I am pretty sure they mean down in town though and our nights are consistently 4 to 6 degrees colder. So... does that mean March 28? April 36? I dunno! I am feeling so itchy to plant seeds though!!! The last week has been mostly in the high 40s and mid 50s! The skies are blue (mostly) and the sun is out. And I know in CO I would be waiting for at least 2 more snow storms. So I am not sure if that sense of "just keep waiting, the big one is still coming" is just me remembering my childhood or if it is real. The problem is, I have SO many flower bulbs and tubers and seeds that I want to plant. They are just stacking up in my mud room. I need to be figuring out a seed starting solution too. The house is only 800 sf so finding extra space for several hundred seeds to sprout is going to take some ingenuity (or for me to clean up and organize... so... ingenuity it is)! I am thinking of making a small shelf by the woodstove that I can stack seed trays on. But we will see. We are also seriously considering building a greenhouse sooner vs later. Which would be really nice!

In the meantime, my little irises have sprung up, some mystery snowdrops have appeared in random places on the property and the crocuses I planted in the fall have started to open up!!! Spring may not be here quite yet... but baby it is getting close!!

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